
Eric Wasserson Poker


Eric Wasserson poker player profile. Get latest information, winnings and gallery. In the waning days of April, Pennsylvania poker player Eric gpokergWasserson took down a Triple Crown. He came out on top in three $10,000 prize pool tournaments across three sites tracked for the Online Poker Rankingsin a one-week span in order to accomplish the feat. Wasserson began by taking down the Full Tilt Poker$100 Cubed.

Eric Wasserson just tank-shoved for the rest of his chips against Tommy Chen and got scooped. Chen filled us in on the action.

According to Chen, he raised to 1,300 from the cutoff, and Wasserson three-bet to 4,200 on the button. The blinds folded, and Chen called. The flop came , and Chen checked. Wasserson bet 6,500, and Chen check-raised to 21,250.

Eric Wasserson Poker Club

Wasserson tanked for several minutes and then got the rest of his stack of around 74,000 into the middle. Chen quickly called, and Wasserson was at risk.

Eric Wasserson Poker


Eric Wasserson Poker

Chen's set of deuces was ahead, and he had a better low draw to go with it. The turn gave Chen the best low, and the river changed nothing. Chen scooped the pot, and Wasserson hit the rail.