
Poker Tournament Late Registration Strategy


Today I am going to look at the $15 buy-in 100 seat Mega Satellites that are running every night on PokerStars, as those are the cheapest direct routes into the Million.

Poker Tournament Late Registration Strategy

Poker Tournament Late Registration Strategy 2020

Close Out the Win with Late Stage Tournament Strategy. Written by Haunted Poker for exclusive use. First of all, congratulations on making it to this point in the tournament. You’ve outlasted a good number of opponents, and you’re in the money. In this article, we will cover all the aspects of late registration in poker tournaments. When it comes to playing poker in a tournament setting, getting into a position of strength is vital.

Poker Tournament Late Registration Strategy Template

The target tournament has a $215 buy-in, which means for $15, assuming you do not re-enter, then one in 14 players will win seat, assuming there is no overlay (more on that in a second). You start with 3,000 chips in this satellite and the average stack size would be 14 times that on the bubble, so 42,000 chips. This means that if you have a stack of 42,000 or more and you are close to the bubble, you can for the most part lock up and fold your way to the money. You definitely should avoid any needless confrontations with stacks similar to yours in size, because you can only lose at this point. That includes potentially folding Pocket Aces preflop (we cover when you should and should not do that in detail in the book).

In reality, you can start to tighten up before 42,000 chips, because when you get to the bubble the stacks sizes will be spread out. There will be monster stacks and micro stacks, few players will have an average stack. In our book we advocate aiming to get to 70% of the average cash stack then tightening up, so 30,000 in this case, but in mega satellites where 100+ seats are on offer, you might get away with even smaller than that.

If there is an overlay, wait till the late registration period ends, look at the total number of chips and divide that by 100 (because there are 100 seats guaranteed), and that is your average cash stack. So if there are 3 million chips in play, the average stack would be 30,000 and you can probably start to tighten up at 24,000.

Poker Tournament Late Registration Strategy For Real


Poker Tournament Late Registration Strategy 2019

Speaking of late registration, you can register late until 1 hour and 45 minutes. This is important to note in satellites. That would get you to the 200/400 level, or 7.5 big blinds. While that is a massive chip disadvantage, it is instantly profitable from an ICM perspective to late register a satellite. You don’t even need to do a complex calculation to see the sense in this. Let’s say 1,400 players enter the satellite you are playing, 800 of them might have been eliminated by the end of late registration. Now instead of outlasting 1,300 players to win one of those 100 seats, you only have to outlast 700.

Late registration will be open for 1 hour, until approximately 7:00pm. 200 seats will be available in the Freeroll and top 10 players will get $150 seats into any flight of their choosing.Tournament registration for each day will open at 8:00am. JANUARY 1ST, 2021 (FRIDAY): Flight A-Cards will be in the air at 9:30am. Re-entry as well as. Get Ready to Make That Call! Poker Tournament Strategy 101. Ask any poker player where the big money is, and they’ll tell you unequivocally: It’s in poker tournaments. The prestige of winning a reputable poker tournament is unbelievable; your name gets recorded in the poker annals of history, and your reputation gets bumped up a few notches. While this theory makes plenty of sense there is a credible argument against it: Rebuy opponents will rightly say that by this logic the “perfect” rebuy strategy would be to wait until the end of the late registration period to register for the tournament; so long as the double rebuy and the add-on are not disproportionately small compared.