
Time Slot Definition Dictionary


Time slots can be created and then assigned to rules for Device control and Web control. The Time slots setting can be found in Advanced setup > Tools. This lets you define commonly used time slots (e.g. work time, weekend, etc.) and reuse them easily without redefining the time ranges for every rule. Time slot is applicable to any relevant type of rule that supports time-based control.

  1. (time slots plural) A television or radio programme's time slot is the time when it is broadcast. N-count 90 per cent of listeners had stayed with the programme when it changed its time slot. Translation English Cobuild Collins Dictionary.
  2. (time slots plural) A television or radio programme's time slot is the time when it is broadcast. N-count 90 per cent of listeners had stayed with the programme when it changed its time slot. Translation English Cobuild Collins Dictionary.
  3. Time out time out of mind time period time plan time scale time series time sharing time sheet time signal time signature time slot time study time to come time trial time unit time value time warp time will tell time zone time-and-motion study time-ball.
  4. This page assumes you’ve already read the Components Basics.Read that first if you are new to components. In 2.6.0, we introduced a new unified syntax (the v-slot directive) for named and scoped slots.

To create a time slot, complete the following:

Time-slot definitions A defined interval, or slot, of time recognizable by devices and designated for a specific purpose or operation.

1.Click Edit > Add.

2.Type the name and description of the time slot and click Add.

3.Specify the day and start/end time for the time slot or select All day.

Time Slot Definition Dictionary Francais

4.Click OK to confirm.

Time Slot Definition Dictionary Definitions

A single time slot can be defined with one or more time ranges based on days and times. When the time slot is created, it will show in the Apply during drop-down menu in the Device control rules editor window or Web control rules editor window.

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Time Slot

A period of time during which something takes place. For example, a meeting may be scheduled from 3 pm to 4 pm, or a work order may be processed between 5 pm and 6 pm. In both cases, the scheduled occurrence is the time slot.
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